
(This is a re-upload, as I had to take the original down as it was being submitted to a magazine. This is a slightly edited version. Enjoy!)   Myriads of threads peruse  Such permeable thoughts I am their muse; They'll wander, prod Suggest, nod Until they find footing in the crevices I so carefully attend... Continue Reading →

First Steps

A rift cascaded across the sky the clouds bled blue the watch clocked twelve and a star shone through the white vapour veins of Earth. Never had I felt such vastness as the veins struck across the sky capillaries joining side to side and I felt my limbs a mimicry, fractals of ingenious design. And... Continue Reading →

I didn’t know you Existed

Approaching the glass, my heart pounded, and stopped altogether once I saw him — A slim, pale figure offset by deep blue, carved in a manner that defied any one shape, and instead accentuated the slight movements between his still frame.  His limbs flowed gently past perimeters of placements that housed him, extending his surroundings, crafting... Continue Reading →

A poem whose words weave a stunning image and pack a powerful punch
– your writing is incredible Melody!

Melody Chen

when he first sees her, his lips are already stained
claret, from the scores of girls he’s drunk in tonight.
she serves her name to him in a crystal flute
all clinks and bubbles, and he tells her
he has never known one before.

i want to take her by the stem, say
woman, you have waited an eternity
oak and steel, to be kissed by a man
the right way, who swirls
twirls, legs dancing to all the right rhythms.

he has been waiting for a fruit like this
the way your light body sways.
amber eyes, floral bouquet-
his tongue has been dry for a while
but darling, riesling, you are all sugar.

it’ll be love at first sip, of course
something that balances this lush, this crisp
tannin, cinnamon, tucked away for later.
he will learn that soon and for it
keep you close, maybe even…

View original post 96 more words

A Sheep’s Mercy: story and analysis

Please note: This story was originally written for the purpose of mimicking the style of author Annie Proulx, and specifically her short story collection “Close Range: Brokeback Mountain and other stories”. It contains heavy themes and coarse language. This piece contains both the creative piece of writing and the analysis I was required to write... Continue Reading →

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